5G Key Requirements

All mobile broadband systems (3G, 4G and soon 5G) are based on the ITU’s (International Telecommunications Union) IMT (International Mobile Telecommunications) standards.
The initial set of IMT standards was approved by ITU in the year 2000 and called IMT-2000. This formed the basis of 3G deployments. In January 2012, ITU defined the 4G wireless cellular technology, IMT-Advanced.
The development of the standards for the next generation, IMT-2020, was issued by ITU in 2015 for 5G, the standard was expected to be completed in 2020, but requirements were finalized.

Following are the requirements for 5G network as specified in IMT 2020:-

If you are curious to know about the use cases mentioned in the table (eMBB, URLLc and eMTC), please go through my subsequent blog post – https://nehakatyal2007.wordpress.com/2022/07/24/5g-use-cases/

Published by:

Neha Katyal

I am a research enthusiast, a software developer, a passionate writer and a seeker. From researching on various aspects of software design, to designing and developing 4G/5G algorithms, everything excites me. Besides my inclination towards software, I have a strong interest in spirituality. I am a seeker; learning yoga, meditation, aura cleansing, Vedic astrology, reading Vedic scriptures that can bring me closer to the ultimate truth, are a few things that has formed an integral part of my life. Apart from these, writing, reading fiction and sketching are the places where I find my home. I cannot just pass a bookstore, I cannot come out of a storm until I write a poem, I cannot admire an actor/actress until I sketch their portrait. Yes, I can be called as a 'multipotentialite'. I love to learn a lot, travel, imagine, read, write, draw, design, code, engage in dhyana and yog, serve others, spend time with family. Because, I feel, life is all about learning, falling, rising, feeling, enjoying every moment :-)

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